Jason Grace

Jason Grace
The Heroes of Olympus character
First appearance The Lost Hero
Gender Male
Species Demigod
Immortal Parent Jupiter
Abilities Flight
Electric manipulation
Energy manipulation
Weapon(s) Ivlivs
Gladius of Juno

Jason Grace is a fictional character and the protagonist in Rick Riordan's The Heroes of Olympus book series, the sequel to the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He first appears in The Lost Hero, the first novel of the series, as a 15 or 16-year-old boy suffering from amnesia. He meets Piper McLean, who claims to be his girlfriend, and Leo Valdez, who claims to be his best friend, on a school bus ride to the Grand Canyon. Jason and his two friends learn that they are demigods - half-human, half-god - after getting attacked by a group of storm spirits called venti. They are escorted to Camp Half-Blood, a sanctuary for Greek demigods. After conducting lightning through his weapon, he realizes that he is the son of Jupiter, the Roman form of Zeus, king of the gods. Jason's appearance is similar to Jason of the Argonauts as he appeared with one shoe.



Jason is the demigod son of Jupiter and Ms. Grace, an infamous television actress. He was born seven years after his sister, Thalia Grace, who was conceived while Jupiter was in his Greek form, Zeus. Zeus's wife, Hera, was greatly insulted when she heard about Jason's birth, and she was furious with Zeus. Being children of Zeus/Jupiter, they would attract even more monsters than most other demigods. To placate her anger, Zeus gave Hera Jason's life as a gift, naming him after the Greek tragic hero Jason, who was Hera's favorite mortal. This made Hera the patron of Jason. When Jason was two, his mother gave him to Hera as a peace offering. He was brought to the wolf Lupa, the trainer of Roman demigods, and Chiron's counterpart. The Roman demigods must prove themselves before Lupa or be eaten. At the Roman version of Camp Half-Blood, he was trained in discipline and conquest. He bears a tattoo that he vaguely remembers being burned on, picturing 12 straight lines with an eagle and SPQR, which stands for Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and the Roman People). Jason describes the Roman camp as "more warlike" than Camp Half-Blood. After defeating the Titan Krios at the Battle of Mount Othrys, (happened at the same time as the Titan war of Olympus) It's also mention by Aelous that Jason defeated the giant sea monster from the trojan war. Jason's memories were wiped away by Hera and he was sent to the Wilderness School to meet Piper and Leo, the Greek demigod children of Aphrodite and Hephaestus, respectively.

In the books

The Lost Hero

In The Lost Hero, Jason is 15 years old, as hinted by Annabeth. He wakes up on a school bus full of delinquent students, holding hands with Piper, who claims to be his girlfriend, and sitting behind Leo, who claims to be his best friend. Jason has no memory of who they are, how he ended up in the school, or who he is. Jason's supposed gym teacher, Gleeson Hedge, tells Jason that he has never seen him before today, and that he is good at manipulating the Mist to make everyone believe that they know him. This makes Jason much more comfortable knowing he is not crazy. The coach also reveals that Jason, Piper, and Leo are demigods, and that an extraction team is coming to bring Piper and Leo to camp along with an unknown "special package".

During the delinquent students' field trip to the Grand Canyon, Jason and his friends are attacked by storm spirits called Venti(Latin,Greek:anemoi thuellai). Senior camper Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and Butch, son of Iris, evacuate the trio to Camp Half-Blood, where Jason feels uneasy, as though he does not belong. At the campfire meeting that night, he summons a thunder bolt and remembers that he is the son of Jupiter. At this time, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the camp's current Oracle of Delphi, gives Jason a prophecy. Jason embarks on a quest with Piper and Leo to save Hera from the giant Porphyrion.

On his quest, Jason encounters Medea, Cyclopes, the master of the winds, Aelous, and two Greek giants.

In The Lost Hero, Jason begins to piece together his lost memories. He discovers that he can speak fluent Latin and uses Roman terms instead of Greek terms. He begins to remember his sister Thalia after seeing a picture of her inside Cabin One, Zeus's cabin, at Camp Half-Blood, and reunites with her during his quest. While he is fighting Porphyrion, he tells the giant that he is a "child of Rome, consul to demigods, praetor of the First Legion" and frightens the giant with his tattoo. At the end of The Lost Hero, he remembers participating in the Second Titan War; he was the commander at the Battle of Mount Othrys, where he defeated Krios and toppled Kronos's throne with many other Roman demigods. He realizes that Hera sent him to Camp Half-Blood, and Percy Jackson to the Roman camp, so that the two camps would become aware of each other and band together to defeat Gaea. Jason also recalls the faces of his friends: Dakota, Gwendolyn, Hazel, Bobby, and Reyna. It was implied that Reyna was his romantic interest before he met Piper McLean. These feelings confuse Jason because he also has feelings for Piper.

He was mentoined by Reyna and Hazel. He was a praetor along with Reyna.



Jason is very handsome, with tidily cropped golden blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a 'cute' scar on the corner of his lip (according to Thalia, he tried to eat a stapler when he was two). He is of average height with athletic build, having muscular tanned arms. He has an intimidating tattoo burned under his forearm: 12 straight lines like a bar code with an eagle (the symbol of Zeus/Jupiter) and the letters "SPQR" over the lines. Jason doesn't remember where he got the marks, but he believes he got them from the Roman camp.


Jason is polite, dedicated, and serious, with a wry sense of humor. He is a natural leader who always protects his friends, even if it means risking his own life. His sense of duty is acute to a fault. Although he harbors feelings for Piper, Jason holds back, afraid that he is already romantically involved with a girl from his past named Reyna.

Demigod Abilities

Like most demigods, Jason has ADHD, a condition which helps him fight monsters. It is not clear if he also has dyslexia, which is not as common in Roman demigods as in Greek demigods. Because Jason was conceived by a god in Roman form, he speaks Latin rather than Ancient Greek and calls the gods and spirits by their Roman names.

As the son of Jupiter, Jason can control lightning and the winds. He can fly by manipulating gusts of air (a gift that his sister Thalia Grace has yet to exhibit, as she is afraid of heights),but he can only hold out at certain heights; and he can withstand lightning strikes by conducting electricity through his body. Jason can also summon thunder bolts through his weapons, although summoning too much energy can make him pass out. Jason is an experienced fighter, well-trained in close combat. He can wield both sword and lance with perfect ease, and he holds his own against larger and stronger opponents.


Jason wielded a coin that could change into a double-edged sword or a javelin - like lance, depending upon whether the coin landed heads or tails. One side of the coin had an image of an axe engraved with the words "Ivlivs", which is Latin for "Julius"; the other side had a portrait of Julius Caesar, an dictator of Rome. The giant Enceladus destroyed this coin in battle. After Jason and his friends rescued Hera from Porphyrion, the goddess gave Jason a gladius to replace his lost coin.


When Jason appeared on the Wilderness School bus, he was holding hands with Piper McLean. He thought for real that Piper was his girlfriend. The Mist tricked Piper into believing she had been Jason's girlfriend for several months. Throughout the book Jason has shown a protective, caring side to Piper and seems worried when she is hurt. Jason often confides to Piper his worries or plans and trusts her. At the end of The Lost Hero, Piper and Jason still show feelings for each other. Drew, Piper's half-sister, flirts with Jason a lot, but Piper tells her off by claiming that Jason is "hers." When he regains his memory, he recalls a girl named Reyna that might have been his love interest at the Roman camp. It leads Jason to have conflicted ideas about his feelings toward Piper. But in the Son of Neptune Reyna says that she didn't have a relationship with Jason but there would've been one if he hadn't disappeared.

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